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Josh 24:15

in Every Second of your life Choices are made

In the Creation story the Lord gave Adam and Eve the power to choose. We also have the power to choose. In every moment of our lives we make choices, however minor, the direction we walk, the words we use and the food we eat. God wants us to choose wisely and to choose deliberatly in everything we do. But in each and every choice we make, we are choosing who you will serve.

This is a place for to Men decide to be Men of Integrity, to choose each and every moment to serve the Lord and to speak words of life.

Choose life!

As we travell through this life we will inevitably impact the lives of others. Every thing we say and do will either build up or tear down those people and our relationship with them. Even more the choices we make will also impact their perception of God the Father. What is the legacy we leave with each person who passes through our lives, especialy the significant people, our spouse and our children.


As Men, we have been tasked with being the leaders of our families and our comunities.  We make descisions every second without even thingking of the consequence. Lets be deliberate and make choices that have kingdom advancing consequences.


What will you say?
        What will you do?

Josh 24:15

“… choose this day whom you will serve …

Rev 3:16

So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will [a]spit you out of My mouth.

Deut 30:19

Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!.”


Josh 1:6 talks about being strong and courageous so that your decendants will be blessed. It takes courage to stand for right, slipping into complacency is easy. Some descisions are hard and you may need a little help along the way. So here we will give you tools to be a man of courage, to stand for right and to make descisions that change your world for good.



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